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List of a Blog about BI, Analytics

How Data Analytics Can Improve? | Giving Donations to Non-Profits

Introduction Traditionally, it is difficult to give donations and propel non-profit organizations to realize that the donations are declining. Typically, in-person events involve a lot of complications and fluctuate all the time. And this is where non-profits can use data analytics to streamline the process to give donations. | How Data Analytics Can Improve Despite […]

Data Analytics Tools and How They Can Help with Operational Strategy and Decisioning?

Data Analytics Tools

There are a variety of data tools available on the market today.  Here are a few worth mentioning when exploring what tools may fit your company’s needs. | Data Analytics Tools Performance Management Software What is performance management software? Performance management software is used to create and measure KPIs, or key performance indicators. This helps […]

Benefits of Financial Planning and Data Analytics?

Financial Planning

Introduction Financial data analytics is proven to improve decision-making and open new windows of opportunities. In a broad sense, companies can apply financial data analytics to achieve performance goals and achieve long-term objectives. The truth is that financial planning through data analytics is a dynamic approach to build profit and loss statements. Moreover, financial data […]

What is Risk Analytics? | Completely

Risk Analytics

Introduction Today, risk management in the business world involves a lot of angles and elements. But each angle has its purpose and can either suppress or improve the performance of the company. Deloitte highlights that risk analytics has become more crucial for organizational risk management. In a competitive and complex business landscape, enterprises face a multitude […]



AFP ICON 2022 The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the professional association of individuals and organizations that generate philanthropic support for a wide variety of charitable institutions. Founded in 1960, AFP advances philanthropy through its 30,000 members in more than 240 chapters throughout the world. AFP has inspired global change and supported efforts that have […]

Predictive Modeling: What are the Mechanics and Benefits of Using?

Predictive Modeling

Introduction In a digital-driven world, many companies now use predictive modeling in order to forecast customer behavior and events. Predictive modeling also allows businesses to predict market, economic, and financial risks. At its core, predictive modeling refers to a process that involves using various models to create, validate, and process data. | Predictive Modeling The […]

How Analytics is Transforming the Logistics and Transportation Industry

How Analytics is Transforming the Logistics and Transportation Industry

Introduction In 2022, many organizations have decided to turn to advanced data analytics to address supply chain issues. Once data analytics comes into the fold, it cuts out the need for enterprises to bear the burden of endless supply chain and logistical disruptions. | logistics and transportation On a global scale, supply chain issues continue […]

Data Analytics: Top Customer Service Trends You Need to Know

Introduction According to a McKinsey report, the future of customer service and customer experience is interconnected with data analytics. What’s interesting is that key trends tie together with evolving technologies like data analytics and artificial intelligence. In fact, market experts believe that AI-powered data analytics would see mainstream adoption to ensure high customer satisfaction by […]

What are the Best Common Myths | Misconceptions around Data Analytics?

Common Myths and Misconceptions around Data Analytics

Introduction It’s no secret that data analytics is a unique and complicated field. In fact, the extent of use cases and possibilities that stem from data analytics are not fully realized. Since there is a lot of complexity, most business leaders don’t have a clear grasp of the mechanics of data analytics. | Misconceptions around Data […]